Links for drug-free solutions and further information
There are effective solutions that do not involve dangerous drugs and questionable therapies offered by the psychiatric community to the problems of life. Check out the following web sites for further information:
AbleChild: Parents for Label and Drug Free Education consists of a growing number of parents outraged over both the subjective labeling (ADHD, ADD, OCD, ODD) and pervasive drugging of our children. Our organization's goal in creating this website is to provide information to parents regarding the many subjective labels and the risks associated with drug "treatment" that are critical to their ability in making an informed decision.
The Feingold Association. The Dietary Connection to Better Behavior, Learning & Health. Did you know that the brand of ice cream, cookie and potato chip you select, and the type of fruit or vegetable you choose, can have a direct effect on your behavior, health, and ability to learn? That your irritability, hyperactivity, headaches or hives could be triggered by certain chemicals in the products you buy?
Dr. Fred Baughman A pediatric Neurologist providing information that proves ADD/ADHD is the "biggest health care fraud in America today."
ADHD-Report.com THE PARENTAL INTELLIGENCE REPORT ON ‘ADHD’ The debate over attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and the drugging of children diagnosed with ADHD has been rekindled in Australia, one of several countries to have followed the U.S. ADHD trend over recent decades.
Safe Harbor is a nonprofit corporation, founded in 1998 and based in Los Angeles, California. This group was created to serve an ever growing public, seeking alternatives to established mental health treatments.
Antidepressant Facts This site features research, articles, studies, personal experiences, views of doctors & 1001+ links to further sources of information.
Arts for Healing. "Creativity is something that exists in all human beings, no matter how disabled. The arts provide a path into the minds of those who lack the skills to verbalize their thoughts, but still have plenty to teach us. In using this therapy as a bridge for communication with those considered silent or disabled, we gain new awareness into the human mind and its potential." Karen Nisenson, C.M.T., Adjunct Professor of Music Therapy, New York University, Founder, Arts for Healing.
Aspire is a unique and informative nonprofit organization where you will find information on safe and effective solutions for mental, emotional, and behavioral concerns.
ADD/ADHD The purpose of this website is to address the fears and doubts of any parent who is forced to ask these questions. We are not experts. We are parents and grandparents who know that drugging our children is not the answer. That singling out a child as "different" and giving him one of these negative labels can effect his self esteem and also follow him for the rest of his/her life.
Dr. Mary Ann Block is an inspiring doctor who looks at the whole child. She tackles a child's physical health, diet, nutrition, and allergies. All of these are many times contributable factors as well as being underlying causes of behavior/inattention.
Dr. Peter Breggin has been informing the professions, media and the public about the potential dangers of drugs, electroshock, psychosurgery, involuntary treatment, and the biological theories of psychiatry for over three decades.
The Citizens' Commission on Human Rights (CCHR) has been on the front lines of mental health reform since 1969. In the early years, members of CCHR took to the streets to bring mental health abuses to public attention. Today, hundreds of groups have joined CCHR in calling for psychiatry to be brought under the law and for human rights to be restored to the mental health field. CCHR members are active throughout the world organizing marches, public hearings, exhibits, and other actions to raise public awareness about the rampant criminality within psychiatry.
CHEC is a national non-profit organization dedicated to educating the public, specifically parents and caregivers, about environmental toxins that affect children's health.
Our ultimate goal is to eliminate children's exposure to man-made toxic substances by ensuring everyone’s right-to-know what is in their air, food, water and commercial products. We are working to achieve this goal through increased scientific research, government policies which are more protective of children, and educating and mobilizing individuals — like you — around the country.
The deliberate dumbing down of America. Charlotte Thomson Iserbyt, former Senior Policy Advisor in the U.S. Department of Education, blew the whistle in the `80s on government activities withheld from the public. Her inside knowledge will help you protect your children from controversial methods and programs.
Website of Dr. Loren Mosher a Harvard educated psychiatrist. He was the first Chief of the Center for Studies of Schizophrenia at the National Institute of Mental Health, 1969-1980. Dr. Mosher sheds some light on what modern psychiatry has become and is today.
Drugs and Your Mind. The information at this web site has been assembled from information found at hundreds of other sites all over the web and details some of the biggest deceptions, frauds and myths currently being perpetrated on our society.
International Coalition For Drug Awareness. A group of physicians, researchers, journalists and concerned citizens dedicated to educating others about the dangers posed by many Rx medicines.
Fight For The Rights of Our Children. Here is a great site designed to promote the health, well-being and better education of children the world over.
Healthtouch Online. A resource that brings together valuable information from trusted sources on topics such as medications, health, diseases, supplements and natural medicine.
H.E.L.P.The Hollywood Education and Literacy Project. “Learning is the key to anyone’s future; with happy students who are competent learners, the H.E.L.P. program is building a bright future, one person at a time.”
MindFreedom Support Coalition International unites 100 grassroots groups and thousands of members to win campaigns for human rights of people diagnosed with psychiatric disabilities. MindFreedom International is where mutual support meets human rights activism... and where democracy meets the mental health system.
The Natural Child Project. Their vision is a world in which all children are treated with dignity, respect, understanding, and compassion. In such a world, every child can grow into adulthood with a generous capacity for love and trust. Our society has no more urgent task.
The National Foundation for Gifted and Creative Children is a non-profit, non sectarian organization formed over 30 years ago. Its main goal is to get much needed information to the parents of gifted children. Many of these gifted children are being destroyed by the public educational system.
Prozac Truth - Psych Drug Truth - The most popular site on the Internet for psychiatric medication information and solutions.
The Law Project for Psychiatric Rights, a non-profit, tax exempt 501(c)(3) organization, has a mission to bring fairness and reason into the administration of legal aspects of the mental health system, particularly unwarranted court ordered psychiatric drugging.
SSRI Citizen Every day millions and millions of Americans take SSRIs — drugs like Paxil, Prozac, Zoloft and Effexor — just to name a few. This population includes men, women, children (even infants) who come from all walks of life. In fact, so many Americans are under the influence of these drugs that one might argue we are fast becoming "One nation, under Prozac". Or to put it another way "SSRI Citizens".
Dr. John Breeding is a psychologist that publicly addresses the issue of drugging children. He is a warm and caring individual who has the courage to question and speak out against his own industry.